• Communication in the Digital Organization

    In recent years, remote work, also known as telecommuting, has developed into a preferred working method in many industries. Companies and their employees have recognized the benefits of this work style, such as flexibility and cost-effectiveness. This trend has required a review and adjustment of traditional organizational structures to reflect the new realities of work.…

  • Collaboration in Distributed Teams

    Communication is the backbone of any organization, and in the digital world, it continues to gain importance. The efficiency with which information is transferred in a digital organization can make the difference between success and failure. In a digitized environment where teams may be spread across various time zones and work in different cultural contexts,…

  • Distributed Team in digital era

    In the era of digitalization and global work, distributed teams, also known as “remote teams,” have gained importance. It is no longer uncommon for colleagues working on the same project to be spread across different time zones and geographic regions. This brings new challenges but also unique opportunities. In this article, we will focus on…