• The Fundamental Principles of Agile: Agile Manifesto, Values, and Principles

    The Origin of Agile Work: The Agile Manifesto The “Agile Manifesto” forms the essential foundation of agile practices and methods. It summarizes a series of agile principles, values, and guidelines that serve as guidelines for agile management and software development. This manifesto underscores the paradigm shift towards more flexible and effective approaches in innovation and…

  • From Static to Leap: Agile Work Takes Center Stage in Business!

    In the 1950s, American sociologist Talcott Parsons developed the AGIL schema, a systemic theoretical model designed to secure the fundamental functions of a system. The acronym AGIL stands for Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, and Latency (maintenance of the state). Adaptation – The Ability to Adapt: The adaptability of systems to external events and changes is…