• From Traditional to Digital Organization: A Historical Overview

    The world of business and the structure of organizations have changed significantly over time, especially with the advent of the digital age. Let’s take a closer look at the evolution from traditional to digital organization and how this transition has shaped the business world. Conclusion From rigid, hierarchical structures to flexible, digital organizations, the business…

  • The Evolution of Corporate Organization in the Digital Age

    Our world has undergone rapid changes in the digital age. Not just products and services, but especially the internal structures of businesses have experienced a radical transformation. Let’s take a look at how corporate organizations have adapted over time. From Hierarchies to Flat Structures In the past, many companies relied on strong hierarchical structures. Clear…

  • Transitioning from Project to Product-Centric Organization

    Understand the Differences While project organizations often end upon project completion, product organizations involve ongoing responsibility: Initiate Culture Shift This shift often has to come from the leaders, who serve as role models. It’s essential to promote a cultural change where flexibility, customer orientation, and long-term thinking are central. Reorganize Teams Form cross-functional teams, as…