• VUCA Meets BANI: Navigating Businesses in the Age of Unpredictability

    Our world is changing rapidly, posing unprecedented challenges for companies. The terms “VUCA” and “BANI” provide an understanding of how these turbulences can be characterized. Both models offer insights into the changing business environment and how companies must cautiously adapt to these changes. The VUCA Concept Origins and Meaning VUCA is an acronym for “Volatility,”…

  • Agility and Corporate Structure: Challenges and Opportunities

    The business world is becoming increasingly complex, and companies need to be more responsive to keep up. In this context, agility has gained significant importance in recent years. But what does this mean for traditional corporate structures? What are Agile Principles? Before diving deeper into the subject, we first need to understand what agility really…

  • Agile Methods: Scrum, Kanban & Co. – An Overview

    In a rapidly changing business world, agility is increasingly becoming a key term. Companies are looking for ways to be more flexible and responsive to meet the challenges of modern markets. Agile methods such as Scrum and Kanban have proven to be effective approaches to meet these demands. In this article, we take a comprehensive…