Category: Corporate Organization

  • Navigating the Digital Transformation: Best Practices for Organizational Design, Complexity Management, and Scalability

    In an era of unprecedented technological advancements and shifting market dynamics, digital transformation has become more than just a buzzword—it’s a business imperative. While technology may be the most visible driver of change, the role of organizational design can’t be overlooked. The structure and systems within an organization can either be an enabler or an…

  • Organizational Design in Digital Transformation

    In today’s dynamic business world, digital transformation is more than just a trend—it’s a necessity. While technology is undoubtedly a driving force behind this revolution, organizational design is equally crucial. This article explores how organizational design supports companies in their digital transformation and what principles they should consider. Organizational Design: The Backbone of Digital Transformation…

  • VUCA Meets BANI: Navigating Businesses in the Age of Unpredictability

    Our world is changing rapidly, posing unprecedented challenges for companies. The terms “VUCA” and “BANI” provide an understanding of how these turbulences can be characterized. Both models offer insights into the changing business environment and how companies must cautiously adapt to these changes. The VUCA Concept Origins and Meaning VUCA is an acronym for “Volatility,”…